February 23, 2024

HireSmart Filipino Scholarship — Diana’s Story 

Diana cried "happy tears" when she learned her son, Sebastian, received an educational scholarship from her employer, HireSmart Virtual Employees. 

"I was crying reading the email," she said. "This is such a big help for our family. I told my son, ‘You're not transferring to a public school.’" 

HireSmart provides scholarships for the children of its Filipino virtual employees so that they can provide the best possible education for their kids. "Congratulations!" arrived as an answered prayer in Diana's inbox. 

"I was praying to the Lord for this scholarship," she said. 

Diana has three children: two sons in seventh and tenth grade and a 2-year-old daughter. She said the scholarship allows her to keep her two sons in private school instead of transferring them to public school due to financial strains. 

Diana said a private school education in the Philippines is far superior to public school. 

"In private school, education is advanced," she said. "They have the complete computer sets. They don't need to share books and computers with other students." 

Sebastian, 16, loves being physically active. He plays basketball, badminton, and soccer. She said he's a kind-hearted person. 

"He's very open to us, especially me, as his mother," she said. "He's very sweet." 

Diana serves her U.S. client as an accounting specialist who oversees invoices. She previously worked as a solo freelance employee with a U.S. client, but that job suddenly disappeared when her client went out of business. She said working with HireSmart provides stability and peace of mind. 

"There's an assurance that if we have a client close their business, HireSmart will find another client for us," said Diana, who loves reading books and walking with her dog, Summer, in her free time. 

HireSmart is the top destination spot for Filipino virtual employees seeking stable, full-time careers with genuine work-life balance. 

Employees receive good wages, free health and dental coverage at no expense to U.S. clients, continued education opportunities, scholarships for their children, and ongoing instructional support from HireSmart, which provides upfront "certification" training for new employees before their onboarding with a client so that they have the basics on industry terminology and standards, leading to an easier onboarding experience for U.S. clients. 

HireSmart Cares issued 19 scholarships in 2023 and will provide 25 in 2024 to continue expanding the program so more Filipino children receive quality instruction. 

If you're interested in helping HireSmart expand its Filipino educational scholarship program, or you'd like to support one of our other workforce development or educational initiatives, donate here. 

Article written by Anne Lackey