May 16, 2024

HireSmart Filipino Scholarships — Josephat’s Story 

Josephat’s husband lost his job, leaving the mother of three boys as the sole breadwinner for the family.  

She contemplated moving her oldest son, Achilles Joseph, 7, from private to public school to help manage the financial strain, but she was anguished by the thought. 

“He didn’t want to because he has so many friends in the school,” she said, adding that the student-teacher ratio is far superior in private education over public schooling in the Philippines.  

Then Josephat received an email from her employer, HireSmart Virtual Employees, informing her that Achilles Joseph’s private-school tuition for the year would be covered through the company’s educational scholarship program.  

“This is a very big blessing, not only for me, but for my kid and for the whole family,” she said. 

Josephat, an accounts receivable associate for a HireSmart U.S. property management client, said working from home allows her to be an attentive mom to her sons, ages 7, 4, and 2.  

“I like the schedule,” she said. “For me, having this virtual assistant kind of job, I can manage my kids as well. I don't need to leave my home. And HireSmart is giving us more when it comes to compensation.” 

She said HireSmart is great, providing educational scholarships and selecting quality clients for employees.  

“I like my job,” she said. “And this client of mine is very supportive. Yeah, I'm enjoying it.” 

HireSmart employees receive good wages, free health and dental coverage at no expense to U.S. clients, continued education opportunities, scholarships for their children, and ongoing instructional support from HireSmart, which provides upfront "certification" training for new employees before their onboarding with a client so that they have the basics on industry terminology and standards, leading to an easier onboarding experience for U.S. clients.  

HireSmart Cares issued 19 scholarships in 2023 and will provide 25 in 2024 to continue expanding the program so more Filipino children receive quality instruction. 

Josephat, a HireSmart employee since 2022, said she has some experience with other virtual agencies, but none like HireSmart. She talked about the one-week certification program that all HireSmart employees must pass before onboarding with a client.  

“It’s very challenging,” she said. “I also joined interviews and exams with other agencies, but not like HireSmart. They (HireSmart) really make you ready before you join your client. So it's really a big help.” 

If you're interested in helping HireSmart expand its Filipino educational scholarship program, or you'd like to support one of our other workforce development or educational initiatives, donate here. 

To learn more about bringing a HireSmart virtual employee onto your team, click here to set up a free consultation at your convenience. 

Article written by Anne Lackey