Jonalyn's children are getting the attention they deserve thanks to an educational scholarship through her employer, HireSmart Virtual Employees.
The five-year HireSmart veteran is one of 25 employees receiving funding for a private education for their children, which means 6-year-old Marciella Audrey has the opportunity to thrive in a quality environment, while her brother, Marcus, who is diagnosed with "echolalia," the non-voluntary repetition of another individual's speech, receives the attention he needs.
Jonalyn, whose oldest child, Mark Neil, is studying information technology in college, feared having to choose between Marciella's education and Marcus's speech therapy, but the scholarship allows her to provide for both.
The proud mom says Marciella "is a really smart kid." She loves watching her daughter find joy in being active.
"She is interested in music, dancing, singing, gymnastics," she said. "Right now, we want her to focus on her studies, but if she still shows interest in any other activities, then we will do that in the summer."
Jonalyn said Marcus has shown progress over the past year.
"Over the past year, it's a lot," she said of his improvements. "We can converse with him in basic conversations. What do you want to eat? Where do you want to go? Brush your teeth. Although right now, he still cannot do the whole sentence, he can do more little by little."
Jonalyn said her job handling lease renewals and cancellations for a U.S. property management firm is going well. She offered to help cover the duties of another employee who left the job. Jonalyn approaches her work with a service mentality and urges other VEs to do the same.
"My advice is always to go above and beyond, and your client will always appreciate that," she said. "If I see things not being taken care of, I always do them. And then I let them know that this is already done and they don't have to worry about it, and they will always thank you. They will always value you in their company. That's why I've been with them for a long time."
Jonalyn said she's thankful for the educational scholarship and grateful for HireSmart and how it supports its VEs, such as providing a new work home if a job with a U.S. client comes to a close.
"The agency is always there to help me, but if you are on your own, it's very hard to find a good client," she said. "I've been there, and I don't want to do that anymore."
HireSmart Virtual Employees succeeds because it invests in employees like Jonalyn and recognizes how important they truly are. HireSmart offers educational scholarships for the children of its employees while also providing health and dental benefits at no cost to U.S. clients.
"Everything is going great, and I'm very thankful for HireSmart," said Jonalyn.
Filipino citizens interested in a career with HireSmart can click here to apply.
HireSmart Cares empowers the children of its Filipino virtual employees to learn the skills they need to succeed.
Vanessa is full of pride for her daughter, Jana, who thrived last year in the best private school in her area, an experience that wouldn’t have been possible without a scholarship from HireSmart Cares.
Jana earned an academic excellence award in her new school and made many new friends.
“I am so proud,” said Vanessa. “It's a new school and new environment, yet she fit in so well. The academic excellence award shows that she is really doing well.”
Jana received one of HireSmart Cares’ 25 educational scholarships last year and continues to receive the assistance this year. HireSmart awards private school funding for up to four years for each Filipino educational scholarship recipient.
Vanessa and her husband, Edgar, also have a son, Josiah, who is attending college and plans to be a civil engineer. Jana talks about being an architect.
Vanessa is in her sixth year as a HireSmart employee, serving the entire time with a community association management client in the U.S. She said she considers her U.S. co-workers as family, and noted how caring they were this past year as her mother, Ruth, battled cancer and passed away.
“I love them,” she said. “They’re family, and throughout the journey I had with my mom, they were there for me. They’re amazing. I can’t ask for anything more. I'm enjoying working with them.”
She said she and her three sisters are leaning on each other through the tough time.
“I'm just so thankful that all my sisters are here with me,” she said. “I still have my father. So all our love and affection are on him now.”
Vanessa said she feels deep loyalty to her U.S. client.
“I have this genuine concern for what the company is doing,” she said.
The accounting department employee said several years ago another department with the company had a wave of resignations.
“I was concerned why we're having those issues,” she said. “And so I reached out to the management and offered help. I don't want everyone to be discouraged because I love the company and I love my job. I love the people I'm working with.”
Her client’s management team assigned Vanessa to the troubled department for several weeks, and she helped them pull through the ordeal.
“I was glad to help in a tough time,” she said.
Vanessa’s actions show several of HireSmart’s SMARTER core values at work. She focused on being of “service” to others by being “available” in a time of need, and she strengthened the “relationship” with her client, who also supported her as she faced hardship this past year.
HireSmart Cares invests in its Filipino families because they are all part of a bigger family. And we support one another. The scholarship program is that principle put to action.
If you want to contribute to HireSmart’s Filipino scholarship fund, click here.
Hydee’s pride in her son, Prince Javier, is obvious as she smiles while talking about him — and for good reason.
The 9-year-old HireSmart scholarship recipient won citizenship and academic awards this past school year, receiving his class’s “Peacemaker Award” and “Little Teacher Award,” while earning a fourth rank in his class.
“I am very proud, of course,” said Hydee, a mother of three who can keep her children in a quality private school thanks to an educational scholarship through her employer, HireSmart Virtual Employees.
Hydee says the scholarship makes a huge difference for her family.
“It’s a great help when it comes to our financials,” she said. “I don’t have to think about the problem of paying the tuition fees every month because of this scholarship. I can focus more on my child’s learning and his development.”
Hydee is proud of how Prince Javier, who enjoys painting landscapes, overcame initial shyness at his school and has now made many friends. He likes having them visit his house, or he meets friends to play basketball or be a part of group studies.
Prince Javier also looks out for his little brother, who is also at the school.
“He’s very responsible,” she said. “He will go out and check on his little brother during snacks and lunchtime.”
Hydee has worked with HireSmart Virtual Employees for three years, handling accounting and bookkeeping for a property management client in the U.S.
She said she finds great peace of mind working with HireSmart instead of trying to link with an online client independently.
“Working on your own, they can just end your contract, and everything ends there,” she said. “They will leave you hanging. When you are with an agency, especially HireSmart, if we lose our client, they will get you another if you have a good record with your previous client. It gives us peace of mind and inspires us to work hard because HireSmart is there.”
Hydee urges new virtual employees to do their best and be patient.
“The first and second month, the stress is there,” she said. “Everything is not in order. It’s like a puzzle and everything is scrambled, and you need to find a way to make them orderly. Each day, as you learn, everything will go straight.”
HireSmart recognizes that its employees make the company special, and they need to be treated that way. That’s why HireSmart provides 25 educational scholarships for the children of its employees. The company also provides health and dental benefits at no cost to the U.S. clients.
HireSmart wants children like Prince Javier to have a bright future.
“He’s not definite (on a career path),” said Hydee. “He mentioned wanting to be a priest. The principal is a priest. He also told us he wanted to be an engineer.”
Prince Javier has plenty of time to figure that out. In the meantime, he can get a quality education with HireSmart’s help.
Filipino citizens interested in a career with HireSmart can click here to apply.
Josephat’s husband lost his job, leaving the mother of three boys as the sole breadwinner for the family.
She contemplated moving her oldest son, Achilles Joseph, 7, from private to public school to help manage the financial strain, but she was anguished by the thought.
“He didn’t want to because he has so many friends in the school,” she said, adding that the student-teacher ratio is far superior in private education over public schooling in the Philippines.
Then Josephat received an email from her employer, HireSmart Virtual Employees, informing her that Achilles Joseph’s private-school tuition for the year would be covered through the company’s educational scholarship program.
“This is a very big blessing, not only for me, but for my kid and for the whole family,” she said.
Josephat, an accounts receivable associate for a HireSmart U.S. property management client, said working from home allows her to be an attentive mom to her sons, ages 7, 4, and 2.
“I like the schedule,” she said. “For me, having this virtual assistant kind of job, I can manage my kids as well. I don't need to leave my home. And HireSmart is giving us more when it comes to compensation.”
She said HireSmart is great, providing educational scholarships and selecting quality clients for employees.
“I like my job,” she said. “And this client of mine is very supportive. Yeah, I'm enjoying it.”
HireSmart employees receive good wages, free health and dental coverage at no expense to U.S. clients, continued education opportunities, scholarships for their children, and ongoing instructional support from HireSmart, which provides upfront "certification" training for new employees before their onboarding with a client so that they have the basics on industry terminology and standards, leading to an easier onboarding experience for U.S. clients.
HireSmart Cares issued 19 scholarships in 2023 and will provide 25 in 2024 to continue expanding the program so more Filipino children receive quality instruction.
Josephat, a HireSmart employee since 2022, said she has some experience with other virtual agencies, but none like HireSmart. She talked about the one-week certification program that all HireSmart employees must pass before onboarding with a client.
“It’s very challenging,” she said. “I also joined interviews and exams with other agencies, but not like HireSmart. They (HireSmart) really make you ready before you join your client. So it's really a big help.”
If you're interested in helping HireSmart expand its Filipino educational scholarship program, or you'd like to support one of our other workforce development or educational initiatives, donate here.
To learn more about bringing a HireSmart virtual employee onto your team, click here to set up a free consultation at your convenience.
Jonalyn was in a terrible position. Should she use limited family funds to pay for a quality education for her daughter this year or allocate that money to her special needs son, who needs speech therapy?
Thanks to HireSmart, Jonalyn doesn't have to make that tough choice. She now has the money to do both after receiving an education scholarship for her 5-year-old daughter, Marciella Audrey.
"When I received the news that I was one of the people that got picked (for the scholarship), I cried," she said. "I literally cried. I cried my heart out. I was so thankful."
Jonalyn and her husband, Christopher, have a 9-year-old son who has been diagnosed with "echolalia," which is the non-voluntary repetition of another individual's speech. She said therapy has helped him communicate with the family at a basic level.
"He's doing speech therapy, and if we don't do that, we have a hard time communicating with him," she said. "But since we started doing that, he improved a lot."
Jonalyn sees the therapy as essential, but she also wants her daughter to get a strong start on her educational journey, and she says enrolling her in a quality school is a must.
"I don't want to choose between what our special needs kid needs and what our daughter needs," she said.
Jonalyn has been employed by HireSmart Virtual Employees for four years, serving a property management company in the U.S., primarily handling lease renewals.
She applied for one of 20 scholarships HireSmart Virtual Employees offered this year to the children of its employees through its nonprofit arm, HireSmart Cares. HireSmart is the leader in the virtual employment market in looking out for its staff, offering good wages, health and dental insurance, quality training and support, leadership courses, and educational scholarships for the children of its employees.
"What HireSmart has been doing helping kids, that's different," said Jonalyn. "I've never heard of a company that does that, you know."
Jonalyn smiles, talking about Marciella Audrey. She says her child is energetic and loves to dance and draw. Jonalyn is a singer and used to perform mellow love tunes with a band but now enjoys the occasional karaoke party.
"I kind of want her (Marciella Audrey) to try singing as well," she said.
Jonalyn says her daughter is young and is not fully aware yet of her brother's challenges, but she said understanding will come with time.
"We kind of just tell her that your big brother doesn't understand the way you understand, and he's going to a different school than you," she said. "She says, 'OK.' But you know, she's 5. She'll understand that later on with guidance."
Jonalyn said she is elated to give both children what they need, and she voiced gratitude to HireSmart CEO Anne Lackey.
"It is an honor to have been chosen as a recipient, and I am deeply appreciative of the opportunity given," she said. "This program will make a tremendous difference in our kids' lives."
Vanessa says her daughter is a “happy kid,” and she wants Jana Valerie to stay that way.
Thankfully, a scholarship through HireSmart Cares will do a lot to keep the smile on the seventh grader’s face since she can now remain at a private school in the Philippines with her friends.
Vanessa, a HireSmart employee, says a private school education is far superior to a public school experience in the Philippines.
“I’m also a graduate of private school, so I know the quality of education it can give to my daughter,” she said. “I’m so thankful to HireSmart for helping me sustain the education of my daughter.”
HireSmart provides its employees with medical and dental insurance, leadership training opportunities, and family scholarships, as well as a work-from-home lifestyle for good wages.
Vanessa and her husband, Edgar, have two children, Jana and a son, Josiah Vans, who just started college and plans to be a civil engineer.
The family could afford to send both to private school, but with Josiah moving to college, where costs are double or triple the grade school expenses, Vanessa and Edgar needed to enroll Jana in a public school.
“She (Jana) didn’t complain; she understood our financial status, but I know, as a mom, she would want to retain her school,” said Vanessa.
She added that Jana was “so happy” when she learned she could stay at the private school with her friends. Jana plans to be an architect one day.
“If by God’s will, they will both be successful, that’s really great to have an architect and a civil engineer at the same time in the family,” said Vanessa.
The proud mom says her daughter is a “very friendly, positive, outspoken kid” and the “joker of her class.” She doesn’t remember her ever getting lower than a 90 on tests.
“I’m not really the type of mom who would push her, but she has that determination to really do well in school,” she said.
Jana participates in math and badminton clubs, and the family plays badminton on the weekends.
“We’re playing with her whenever we can, me and my husband,” she said.
Vanessa has served a community association management client in the U.S. for four years.
“I enjoy the work very much,” she said. “I think I’m the longest-staying Filipino assistant in the (client’s) company. They treat me with respect. It’s a fun environment. There’s pressure, but you can’t really feel it when you’re having fun with your co-employees.”
Vanessa said she also enjoys working for HireSmart, which hires virtual employees to work with their U.S.-based clients. She said she’s unaware of other companies providing families of their virtual employees with scholarships for education.
She thanked HireSmart co-founder and CEO Anne Lackey for helping her family.
“I’m happy we have this offered, and I would like to personally express how grateful I am to Anne and HireSmart for thinking about the employees,” she said. “This is a very good program for the employees because it affects our loved ones. And we are much more appreciative and motivated to work if our loved ones are happy. For me, that’s really true. They are the reason why I’m working hard.”
With her youngest child facing medical issues, Hydee Camoro could no longer afford to send her middle child, Prince Javier, to the private school where he spent the previous two years.
But that changed after Hydee qualified for an educational scholarship through her employer, HireSmart Virtual Employees, which will cover the cost of Prince Javier’s tuition this year.
“I’m very happy because he is very happy that he can stay in the same school and stay with his classmates and friends,” she said. “He is very thankful because he can stay with the same teachers. He loves studying there. It’s a fun place that he can enjoy and learn at the same time.”
Hydee said her son, an 8-year-old third grader, is a talented artist who enjoys painting landscapes.
“He always asks me to buy drawing materials whenever we go to department stores, and then whenever he has free time, he will spend all day painting his masterpiece,” said the mother of three, ages 17, 8, and 4.
Hydee said Prince Javier is a responsible and inquisitive child.
“He’s responsible in the sense that he is my left hand in the house, so he can do the household chores like washing the dishes,” she said. “He can wash his own clothes and look after his younger brother, so things like that. He’s very curious, especially about my work because he can see me working during the night and he will always ask me what I am doing and how to do it.”
Hydee, a HireSmart employee who does accounting and bookkeeping work for a property management firm in the U.S., said she appreciates HireSmart CEO Anney Lackey for looking out for youth like her own.
“I wanted to thank Anne Lackey and the HireSmart Cares team because I really feel honored and grateful to have been selected as a recipient of this scholarship grant,” she said. “I wanted to thank everyone for their generosity. I just wish the company and the organization to be able to help a lot of kids in the future, those kids that really need the help. I wish for them to be guided properly so they can have the chance to help every child who needs a proper education. I’m really thankful for everyone, especially Anne Lackey.”
HireSmart Virtual Employees has a philanthropic branch, HireSmart Cares, which provides scholarships and educational opportunities for youth both in the Philippines and U.S. HireSmart also provides its virtual employees with health and dental benefits.
If you have an interest in a potential career with HireSmart, click here.
Shannen’s stepbrother, Jared, plans to be a doctor, and his family supports him all the way, putting money aside for his college education.
But they’re not alone in looking out for Jared’s future. Shannen’s employer, HireSmart, is helping, too, by providing a scholarship that will cover Jared’s ninth-grade school expenses, allowing Shannen and her mom, Cecile, to save for their loved one’s medical degree.
“I’m super grateful,” said Shannen, HireSmart’s virtual employee relations manager. “It’s really a huge help, especially to my mom. When I told her, she was super dramatic and super emotional. We celebrated when we heard the news, just a little gathering here at home.”
Shannen said her younger brother’s intellect was evident early. She tutored him prior to preschool and could see he was special.
“When I was tutoring him, I saw that he can memorize a lot of things so fast, faster than I can,” she said. “And then I realized he is really special. He’s so good in math and English at the same time, which is super rare. I really thought he was special even before he started going to school.”
The proud big sister and her family have celebrated Jared’s achievements in school.
“Last year, he received a reward of being with high honors, which was super great,” she said. “Everyone in the family was there to acknowledge him and the recognition.”
Shannen said she and her mom are working to save money for Jared’s education, but she said saving became much tougher after her father passed away recently.
“Because of that, I had to get funds from the savings that I had for his (Jared’s) education,” she said. “That was impacted. I need to restart and try to save up again for his college. My mom and I work on that together, but it is very expensive, especially going to med school. It’s something we need to prepare for.”
Jared changed schools this year and didn’t qualify for a scholarship, but HireSmart stepped in with assistance.
“I’m super grateful because this will really help me and my mom prepare for my brother’s future,” she said.
Shannen and her brother also look for ways to help others. She said Jared is “very generous to everyone, especially those in need.”
“It’s my tradition where every Christmas I would give back, so I would prepare food for the homeless and then go around and give it to them,” she said. “And then later, I realized my brother loves that, too. He would accompany me. He would usually save up the cash he receives during Christmas. He would give me a portion of that to help as well. And he started helping me since he was in grade two.”
HireSmart Virtual Employees has a nonprofit arm, HireSmart Cares, which seeks to better lives in both the Philippines and the U.S. with scholarships such as these. HireSmart truly cares for its employees, offering medical and dental insurance, good wages, a work-from-home lifestyle, a strong support staff, leadership training possibilities for career advancement, and scholarship opportunities.
Airene wants the best for her kids, and HireSmart Virtual Employees shares in that aim.
The company recently awarded Airene a scholarship for her daughter, Francesca Venice, who turns 5 in November.
“I really wanted to enroll her in a good school,” said Airene, a single mother of two, who also has a son, Austin Savior, 3. “She’s just starting, and I really believe she needs a strong foundation, and that’s something I can only find in a reputable school here.”
The scholarship will allow Airene to send her daughter to a private school so she can have a strong start to her educational journey.
The proud mom says her daughter is “very smart, very energetic.”
“She likes painting,” said Airene. “When she was 3, she started drawing using a crayon that she found on my desk. I was working that night, and then she told me, ‘Hey mom, I drew your face.’ I was just really surprised because she was 3, and she got the sense of shades, and she actually drew my face like a circle, and there’s eyes, nose, and mouth.”
Airene works for a property management client in the U.S. as part of their administrative team and has been with HireSmart for a year and a half. She said she loves working from home and being able to take care of her children.
She wants her children to get the best education possible, and she’s eager to support them however she can.
“I have my dreams for her, but as a mom, I’m here just to support whatever she wants to do in the future,” said Airene. “Even though I say I want her to be a lawyer, which is what I really wanted when I was a kid, but whatever she ends up doing when she grows up, I’m just here to support her. I want her to achieve whatever it is she wants.”
The virtual employee said she is grateful to HireSmart and CEO Anne Lackey. She said she’s not familiar with other companies offering such perks for the children of their employees.
“I just really want to say thank you, Anne,” she said. “I’m really grateful to HireSmart, not just for this opportunity but also for introducing me to my client. That alone really helps me a lot in supporting my kids and being able to take care of them while working here from home. This is a bonus. So really thank you so much. I know this will make a huge change in me and my baby’s life.”
HireSmart Virtual Employees has a philanthropic branch, HireSmart Cares, which provides scholarships and educational opportunities for youth both in the Philippines and U.S. HireSmart also provides its virtual employees with health and dental benefits.
Cristina and her sisters love their parents and poured their finances into helping them through medical hardships last year, but this generosity strained the ability of Cristina and her husband to fund their son’s education.
Thankfully, HireSmart Virtual Employees has stepped in to take that burden off Cristina’s back, providing an educational scholarship so her 7-year-old son, Myke, can attend private school this year.
“I am forever grateful for this scholarship,” said Cristina, a five-year HireSmart employee. “Education here in the Philippines is pretty expensive, and my son is the most important person in my life, giving him a quality education and providing him with all his needs is what matters to me. I was able to provide it to him because of HireSmart. This scholarship is a really great help for my family. And thank you for helping us Filipino virtual assistants, and we hope this opportunity will continue.”
Cristina said her son is smart, a “consistent honor student since nursery,” and loves karate.
“I enrolled him in karate this summer to see if he likes it because he’s an active kid,” she said. “So, in order to divert his energy, I enrolled him, and now he’s very interested. He just got promoted. He’s very interested to get that black belt.”
Cristina said Myke is especially proficient in math and has participated in Kumon, an educational network based in Japan.
“They focus on mental math,” she said. “He started when he was 6 years old. Right now, he’s already multiplying fractions. He’s very interested in Kumon, so we continued it.”
Cristina, who handles vacation rentals for a property management firm in the U.S., said her experience with HireSmart has allowed her to spend more time with her son and watch him grow up. Her husband is also a virtual employee.
“That’s the reason why I preferred to work remotely, so we can watch our son grow,” she said, adding that she and her husband, John, must be careful what they say and do because Myke is observant and mimics whatever they say or do. “In our household, we have to be very careful with our language and our actions because he is a very curious kid and he copies whatever we do, our habits, our words, our expressions, so we need to be careful as parents, especially nowadays with social media.”
HireSmart provides its virtual employees like Cristina with health and dental insurance, a work-from-home lifestyle, good pay, opportunities for leadership training, as well as an opportunity for educational scholarships for their children.
“I can really say that it (HireSmart) is a stable company, and I’m really thankful for the support,” she said. “If you need any help regarding your work, they’re also willing to give tips to help you with the training to give you more feedback. They’re a really supportive company, so I’m really glad I found HireSmart.”
Cristina also noted that if a client goes out of business or doesn’t work out, HireSmart will work with its virtual employees to get them placed with a new client.
“If you ever lose a client, they will really find a way for you to get another one,” she said.
Cristina said she didn’t want to compromise her son’s education because of medical bills, and she’s pleased she won’t have to because of HireSmart.
“I’m really happy with what I have right now,” she said. “I’m really happy with the company. Compensation is good. Training is good. The management, Anne, Neal, they’re really helpful. They’re hands-on. Just really thankful right now.”
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